Geometry Dash Bausha Vortex is a solo Extreme Demon rated 10 stars created and published by Pennutoh, and verified by JakeSJ. It is a very difficult Nine Circles-style level with a lot of crucial timings, invisible portals, and moving obstacles. As a result, the level is considered harder than Down Bass. Unlike most Nine Circles remakes, this one has a unique effect that can only be found in a few remakes, which is a typical electro-styled level, hence the nickname "Electric Circles."
The level was originally ranked fourth on the Geometry Dash Demonlist, just above Sakupen Hell and below Artificial Ascent.
Crimson Clutter was pushed into the Legacy List as a result of this addition to the Demonlist.
During the wave section, the color schemes for the Nine Circles are violet, cerulean, sea green, yellow, orange, and fuchsia.
Like many of Pennutoh's levels, this one has good sync.