Geometry Dash Boss V Devourers is a Medium Demon level rated 10 stars and created by Xender Game. It is the fifth stage of the boss Hexalogy in Xender. This is a fairly simple Medium Demon, though some portions may be tricky.
The game begins with a short auto-segment, with the text "Round 1: Eater" indicating the start of the first boss. Following that is a wave with some yellow lasers sprinkled about that will kill the player, followed by a spam UFO portion in which a platform will appear from the top, and then Eater will take up the entire bottom half of the level. The text "Round 2: Biter" will then display, indicating the start of the second boss. The final round then begins against the boss, Crawler. The final segment is a small cube that is much slower-paced than the previous one.