Geometry Dash Crying Souls
    Geometry Dash Crying Souls
    Geometry Dash Crying Souls
    Geometry Dash Crying Souls

    Geometry Dash Crying Souls

    Geometry Dash Crying Souls is an Insane Demon level rated 10 stars with 3 user coins created and published by knobbelboy. It's a challenging remake of Nine Circles. The level is notable for being the first in the Nine Circles series to feature moving objects or obstacles in the wave portion. This is one of the Nine Circles levels where the color scheme changes during a wave segment.

    Brief author introduction: knobbelboy accomplished Crying Souls quickly and asked Geomania, one of his closest in-game pals, to validate this new difficult Nine Circles level. He practiced for a couple weeks before confirming this new unique Nine Circles level after 2,200 attempts. Crying Souls was rated shortly after its verification and quickly acquired popularity among many players as the first moving Nine Circles level, which aided knobbelboy's rise to fame.

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