Geometry Dash DorabaeDifficult4
    Geometry Dash DorabaeDifficult4
    Geometry Dash DorabaeDifficult4
    Geometry Dash DorabaeDifficult4

    Geometry Dash DorabaeDifficult4

    Geometry Dash DorabaeDifficult4 is an Easy Demon level rated 10 stars created by Dorabae. The first level in the "Dorabae-Difficult" series. This level is quite long, stretching from the beginning of the song to almost the end.


    The level begins with a challenging cube part. Then comes a less tough sequence. After the ship, the player will convert back into a cube, but it will soon transform into a tough ball. Following the ball, the player will convert into a simpler UFO, followed by a simpler ship. Following the ship, a tougher ball will appear. Following the ball, there is another cube section that is quite simple. After the cube, the player will transform back into a UFO.

    Following the UFO, the player will transition into a harder ship section with some straight flying. Following the ship, the player will morph into a medium-difficulty ball with only a few orbs. Then there's a simple finishing cube section with a few leap orbs. The level then concludes.

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