Geometry Dash Elite Z Rebirth
    Geometry Dash Elite Z Rebirth
    Geometry Dash Elite Z Rebirth
    Geometry Dash Elite Z Rebirth

    Geometry Dash Elite Z Rebirth

    Geometry Dash Elite Z Rebirth is an Extreme Demon level rated 10 stars, verified, and published by KrmaL. It is, as the name implies, a probable rebirth of an impossible level dubbed Elite Z by PLAY 4075365. On January 4, 2017, the level was ranked #27 on the Demonlist, above Retention and below The Flawless. This is one of the first Extreme Demons rated for two players. At the end of the level, a red line that goes down divides into several lines in a 'Z' pattern. The release of Glitched Memories on May 3, 2020, pushed Elite Z Rebirth to the Demonlist's Legacy List.

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