Geometry Dash Gravitation Surge
    Geometry Dash Gravitation Surge
    Geometry Dash Gravitation Surge
    Geometry Dash Gravitation Surge

    Geometry Dash Gravitation Surge

    Geometry Dash Gravitation Surge is a Hard Demon level rated at 10 stars with 1 user coin created by J735 and rafer. Modern designs not only provide excellent user experiences, but they also expose people to previously unheard-of threats. Scarlet Surge from the Chaos Gauntlet, SLAM from the Monster Gauntlet, and The Behemoth from the Death Gauntlet are the only levels of XL length. It is the longest user level in both gauntlets and map packs, taking 175 seconds to complete. Even though the series as a whole is entertaining, players should begin with this game. If you want to go farther, go into the Geometry Dash Series. J735 and rafer300/rafer from the original Gravitation Surge in The GD full version, griffpatch, and hoppingicon are all copyright holders for this game.

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