Geometry Dash Ice Carbon Diablo X is a 10 stars Insane Demon level created and hack-verified by Roadbose on May 20, 2014. Roadbose's ICE Carbon series concludes with ICDX, the third and final official installment. It was famous for its abundance of straight and diagonal flying segments, as well as its previously "impossible" difficulty. It was previously one of the most difficult levels in Geometry Dash, with its difficulty frequently compared to Cataclysm following its release, until the discovery of Roadbose hacking the level's verification. Riot was the first player to successfully complete it.
Geometry Dash players have long debated which of Geometry Dash Ice Carbon Diablo X and Geometry Dash Cataclysm is harder and ultimately the hardest demon during their era. However, with the creation and legitimate verification of Geometry Dash (as well as the update to Cataclysm, making it harder than ICDX), many arguments on this subject were dispelled, as the community now knew which demon was the most difficult. ICDX is now regarded as one of the most difficult insane demons, straddling the line between insanity and extreme demon difficulty. It was also the most senior Extreme Demon until Silent Club was rated on April 25, 2021.
Click the left mouse button to jump or fly up.