Geometry Dash Love Baba
    Geometry Dash Love Baba
    Geometry Dash Love Baba
    Geometry Dash Love Baba

    Geometry Dash Love Baba

    Geometry Dash Love Baba is an Insane Demon level rated 10 stars with 3 user coins created by Zobros. This is a humor level that is often regarded as an Insane Demon owing to its stringent timing, particularly in the final ship segment, which many think to have poor decorations by 2.0 standards. This level was released on April Fools' Day 2016, and while it appears innocent enough with a T.V. static-like décor, it quickly transforms into a badly decorated and challenging level with a ship constructed of orbs.

    Spam bots that were targeting the Geometry Dash Forum gave Zobros the moniker "Love Baba." KrmaL was the first to accomplish the level on April 9, 2016, and stated that it was underappreciated and one of Zobros' most difficult levels. Due to the complex timing and final ship scene, Love Baba was star-rated as an Insane Demon.

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