Geometry Dash Nine CircleX
    Geometry Dash Nine CircleX
    Geometry Dash Nine CircleX
    Geometry Dash Nine CircleX

    Geometry Dash Nine CircleX

    Geometry Dash Nine CircleX is an Insane Demon level rated 10 stars with 3 user coins created by Rustam, Zobros, and ViPriN. It is the official sequel to Zobros' original Nine Circles. The song is an Xtrullor remix of the original tune, Nine Circles. Despite being epic-rated, the level receives unfavorable feedback from the community owing to its gameplay and decoration.

    The first section is a Nine Circles cube with a fire-themed design. Arrows are displayed to direct the player in the right direction. It then moves on to a ship portion with a lot of hills and spikes that can be irritating and difficult to navigate. Following is a ball portion with slanted pillars and orbs. Following that is a brief robot portion before returning to a tiny triple wave. Finally, the wave transforms into a cube before transitioning to a short straight-fly phase. Following that is a cube maze, followed by four double-slow cube jumps. After that, the level concludes with the names Zobros, Viprin, and Rustam.

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