Geometry Dash Paracosm Circles is a Medium Demon level rated 10 stars created by N1XO. It is a recreation of Nine Circles with a violet-lilac color palette. Furthermore, due to numerous notable remakes, this is one of the most influential Nine Circles Levels. Although categorized as a Medium Demon, this level is considered an easy but hard Demon owing to intense mashing and some timing. N1XO built this level as a rival of Cataclysm after Sonic Wave was posted as a rival of Bloodbath, with a plethora of confined areas, sawblades, spikes, and odd timing. Until the secret path was revealed, this level was on par with Crimson Clutter and even more difficult than Cataclysm. In turn, N1XO was obliged to abandon the Extreme Demon project, nerfing the entire wave segment significantly to reduce its difficulty to the Fear Me level in order to be verifiable by him. This level has a lot of alternatives, so try each one one by one!