Geometry Dash Quasar
    Geometry Dash Quasar
    Geometry Dash Quasar
    Geometry Dash Quasar

    Geometry Dash Quasar

    Geometry Dash Quasar is an evil Hard Demon level rated 10 stars, created by the famous player Allan. Despite its community rating, it is a remake of Nine Circles with an indigo color scheme and is rated by the designer as an Easy or Medium Demon.

    Quasar has beaten Deadly ClubStep, the upgraded version of Cataclysm, and Bloodbath with all three currencies. The level blends Update aesthetics and effects into the Nine Circles design, with tiered backdrop decorations and invisible colliders replacing many of the slanted blocks in the wave section. Perhaps this will be a challenging test for you in this game, and we hope you will beat and break the series record!

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