Geometry Dash Retro Circles
    Geometry Dash Retro Circles
    Geometry Dash Retro Circles
    Geometry Dash Retro Circles

    Geometry Dash Retro Circles

    Geometry Dash Retro Circles is an Easy Demon level rated 10 stars with 3 user coins created by Nacho21. It is a retro-styled remake of Nine Circles that incorporates visual glitches, scanlines, and other effects using about 60,000 objects, which was a huge number for a level at the time. It is regarded as being at the lower end of the Easy Demon difficulty scale. When GuitarHeroStyles and Alvarofuen crashed at the last cube segment, Nacho21 signed a double spike. Fear Me designer CrisPy Dash was inspired by this level and built another NC Retro, Screamroom Circles, which he later removed. The "Tearing Nine Circles" effect was introduced at this level. This level was drastically nerfed, going from Hard Demon to Easy Demon.

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